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Mobile Apps – Native, Hybrid & Web Apps

Which technology is the right one? Find out which type of mobile app best suits your company’s needs – Native, Web, or Hybrid Apps.

Mobile Apps – Native, Hybrid & Web Apps
Ing. Philipp Doblhofer Ing. Philipp Doblhofer

Ing. Philipp Doblhofer

In today’s mobile world, having your own app is a key to success for many companies. The reach and user-friendliness of mobile applications offer enormous advantages. However, deciding which type of app is best suited can be challenging: Should it be a Native App, a Web App, or perhaps a hybrid solution like with Ionic, Flutter, or React Native? In this post, we highlight the differences, benefits, and challenges of these various approaches and help you make the right choice for your company.

Native Apps – The Powerful Ones

Native Apps are developed specifically for a particular platform – iOS or Android – using the programming languages and tools provided by the respective platform providers. This results in highly optimized apps that deliver a top-notch user experience.

One of the main advantages of native apps is performance. Because they directly access the device’s resources and hardware, they provide an impressively fast and responsive user experience. Graphically intensive applications like games or apps that require complex functions are often developed natively. Moreover, native apps can seamlessly use all device interfaces like the camera, GPS, and push notifications. Due to the platform-specific UX guidelines, native apps feel “natural” and offer optimal user guidance.

However, this performance and high-quality user experience come at a price. Development is time-consuming and costly because each platform (iOS, Android) requires a separate codebase. Additionally, all updates must be distributed through the respective app stores, which requires additional resources for the release process. Since each platform has its own design and UX guidelines, this can further increase the effort. Nonetheless, a native app is often the best choice when quality, performance, and access to native device specifications are top priorities.

Web Apps – The Flexible Ones

In contrast to native apps, Web Apps are browser-based applications. They are developed with technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and are platform-independent. Instead of being downloaded from an app store, users access web apps directly via a web browser. Often, there is also the possibility to install the web app on the device’s home screen, making it appear like a native app and providing a similar user experience.

A major advantage of web apps is cost-effective development. Since a web app only requires a single codebase that works on all platforms, the development effort is significantly reduced. Updates and adjustments are also straightforward: as soon as changes are made to the backend, all users have immediate access to the latest version. Moreover, the often strict app store guidelines are eliminated, greatly simplifying publication.

However, web apps quickly reach their limits in terms of performance and user experience. Because they depend on the capabilities of the browser, they cannot use the full range of functions of a mobile device. Offline capability is also limited, as web apps usually require a stable internet connection. The UX is often not as smooth as with native apps since web technologies have only limited access to device interfaces.

Hybrid Apps with Frameworks like Ionic, React Native, or Flutter

Since neither native apps nor web apps always provide the perfect solution, hybrid apps like those developed with Ionic, React Native, or Flutter have become popular alternatives. These frameworks combine the advantages of both worlds: development is done once, and the result is runnable on multiple platforms – but with access to native features.

For example, Ionic: Ionic is an open-source framework based on web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and is complemented by frameworks like Angular or React. Through Capacitor, which creates native bridges to Android and iOS, Ionic can access hardware and device features. This ability to create an app for multiple platforms with a single codebase saves development time and costs. Additionally, the modular structure allows for quick changes and iterations, significantly shortening the time-to-market.

Developing with hybrid frameworks is usually faster and more cost-effective than creating native apps for each platform. Hybrid apps can access native features like the camera, GPS, and push notifications, making them more flexible and powerful than pure web apps. Nevertheless, one should be aware of the compromises. The performance of hybrid apps, especially with more complex applications, cannot always match that of native apps.

The Decision – When Does Which Technology Fit?

The choice of the right technology for your company depends largely on your individual requirements.


The decision between a native app, a web app, or a hybrid solution should always be based on your specific business requirements. Each model has its strengths and weaknesses, and finding the right balance between development time, costs, user experience, and performance requirements is crucial.

codeaware is happy to help you make this decision and provide individual advice to find the optimal solution for your project.

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